AR: Accelerated Reader Information
  • AR (Accelerated Reader)

    Students can take AR quizzes as soon as they finish reading a book from home.  Simply click on the link and login using your AR login ID and password.  You can also login to check your AR goals and your progress toward those goals by clicking on "Progress" at the top of the page, after you login.  Contact Mrs. Hinton if you have forgotten your login and password. 
    NOTE:  Most AR login IDs are the first initial of the first name, followed by the entire last name.  For example, Stacey Hinton = shinton.  If that does not work, try adding a number 2 to the end.  For example, shinton2.  If you get locked out, contact Mrs. Hinton to recover your account.
  • Book Finder

    Use this link to look-up books you would like to read.  Students and parents can determine the reading level for books in home libraries so that students can read appropriate level materials.  Once students have read a book, they can come to the library during lunch and recess and take the AR quiz for any books they have finished reading.