Resources for families

Resources for families 

2021 Sumer Reading BINGO!


Art Doodles -- Lunch Doodles with children's picture book artist/author Mo Willems.  He's talented and funny.  Send photos of your finished artwork to Mrs. Hinton and she'll share it.


Books to Movies -- A list of wonderful books that have been made into movies.  

Children's Book Read-Alouds -- This magazine article provides links to multiple children's authors that are providing free online read-alouds and activities.  

Contra Costa County Libraries Video Storytimes -- YouTube playlist of video storytimes created by the Children's Librarians of the Contra Costa County Library system.

Starfall Reading -- online learning games for TK-3rd grade students, includes ABC's.


Brainpop -- learning activities for grades K-12.  We use this in St. P classrooms.  You can request free access via this link.

Dance Mat Typing -- keyboard awareness in fun bite-sized lessons for young students.  We use this at St. P in the lower grades.  It's free and fun.

Kahn Academy (parent portal) -- video instruction in math, computer science, arts & humanities, and science for grades TK-12.  Their claim to fame is quick videos that explain concepts to students.

PBS Kids for Parents -- educational activities and games for students in grades 2-8. Topics include social skills, literacy, math, character, science and the arts.

Wide Open School by CommonSense Media.  Links to Online Teaching Resources organized for families and teachers and vetted by Common Sense Media to make sure it is high-quality.  Organized by grade band and subject.  Updates made daily.

Online Learning Resources -- This article lists over 175 learning resources, organized by elementary K-5, middle/high school 6-12, and online resources for teachers.


Museums -- This magazine article provides links to 12 world-famous museums offering free virtual tours of their collections.

Winchester Mystery House Tour -- This link takes you directly to a virtual tour of the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, CA.


East Bay Parks Songs and Stories.  The East Bay Parks district naturalists have put together digital series including Songs and Stories for kids.  You can post questions in the comment section and the park naturalists will reply.


Creativity Corner by Bay Area Children's Theater -- This site has fun child-friendly videos with activities to challenge students in a creative way.

=============== Other Resources ===============

Useful Links from our school counselor, Mrs. Kelli Bacher