2023 Summer Reading Program

2023 Summer Reading Program

Summer is time to joyfully read the stuff we love.  All students and staff are encouraged to participate in our Summer Reading Program.

Summer reading is an important tool to help prevent summer slide.  Summer slide is when students skills slip away during the long summer break due to lack of reading practice.  It is of particular concern, this year, due to the remote learning experienced by students, this school year.  Please encourage your student to participate in this annual tradition.  We do not want them to feel left-out at the beginning of the school year when their classmates are being recognized for their reading achievements.

How to Play
Students read the stuff they love during Summer Break.  There is one BINGO! card for everyone. If you misplace your BINGO! card, you can print another one here.  

2023 Summer Reading BINGO Card

Write your FULL name and the grade you are entering in August, 2023 on your BINGO card.  
Read what you love, whatever makes your heart happy!
When you complete a READ-O square, color it or cross it out.
Complete five (5) READ-O squares in a row or column for a Bookoplois READ-O.
Complete any five (5) READ-O squares for a BINGO.
Complete all squares for a BLACKOUT.
Grades 4-8 Only:  Read three books of 100 or more pages for a BONUS BINGO! Attach a list of the 3 books you read or fill out the Books I Read This Summer Form and check the box on your BINGO card.
Turn in this form the first week of school.

DUE Dates

First Week of School, August 16 - 18, 2023.  


REWARDS of the Summer Reading Program

Joy of Reading anything you want!

READ-O:  Free Book.  Follow the instructions on the BINGO card to select a free book you want from www.Bookopolis.com

BINGO: Free Dress Pass

BLACKOUT:  Free Dress Pass and Popsicle Party
BONUS for grades 4-8:  Homework Pass


What shall I read?

bookopolis.com/#/summer-reading-2023 -- Click to find recommendations on Bookopolis for your grade level.

Student Recommendations -- click to find a list of books highly recommended by members of our 4th grade book club, Stranger Worms.


Ask Mrs. Hinton at her CSDO email.