Catholic Education and Values

Goals and Objectives

Spiritual Goal
To provide the experience of a Christian community at worship, work and play in which students grow in understanding of the scripture and from which they can develop a lasting relationship with Jesus and a desire to serve others.


  • to read, reflect on, and pray about the Word of God
  • to teach the fundamentals of Catholic Doctrine
  • to provide guidance for moral decision-making as supported by Catholic teaching
  • to prepare students for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist
  • to prepare older students for their eventual commitment to the Catholic Church in Confirmation
  • to create an atmosphere of Christian concern and dedication for those within, as well as outside of the Christian community, by participation in local and global service projects
  • to help parents realize that the importance of the Christian message in school will be strengthened by their examples as Christian adults
  • to provide students opportunities to prepare and participate in liturgies, Reconciliation, prayer services, retreats and daily prayer

Academic Goal
To provide a strong academic foundation, which will enable students to attain the fundamental knowledge necessary to help them succeed in the modern world.


  • to follow Diocesan curriculum guidelines and the California State framework
  • to present a sequentially developed program in language arts, science, social studies and mathematics that will prepare students for higher learning
  • to teach a child to develop analytical thinking and reasoning processes, while encouraging creativity and communicative skills
  • to provide an opportunity for each student to grow intellectually according to their individual capabilities
  • to utilize a variety of teaching styles such as learning cooperatively, hands-on activities, group projects and independent work to provide many opportunities for success
  • to identify the student’s learning patterns and/or learning difficulties and to help accordingly
  • to enrich the academic program by integrating technology
  • to maintain communication with parents regarding the development of the child
  • to incorporate a variety of outside resources into the curriculum and utilize various assessment tools to monitor the progress of the student
  • to motivate each student to develop a genuine regard for learning

Social Goal
To foster within each student a sense of worth and acceptance of self, while nurturing an attitude of respect, acceptance and courtesy for others and an appreciation for cultural diversity with a desire to be of service to others.


  • to create a Christian atmosphere where there is mutual respect between parents, students and staff
  • to encourage each student to make wise choices and to ensure the respect and safety of each individual by: establishing rules, providing means of conflict management, and setting consequences for irresponsible behavior
  • to develop an awareness and an appreciation of cultural diversity within our society
  • to explore the contributions of diverse societies
  • to provide opportunities to serve others through outreach programs and fundraising
  • to provide leadership opportunities for all students

Physical Goal
To provide for students a safe and secure place in which a healthy life style is promoted and which offers them opportunities to participate in a variety of motor activities based upon individual needs and abilities.


  • to foster physical, social and emotional development
  • to contribute to each child’s well being by offering a hot lunch program, regular screenings in vision, hearing and scoliosis detection
  • to provide Family Life education and classes which promote good health practices
  • to have a plan for disaster management; to regularly practice fire and earthquake drills
  • to provide Physical Education classes which offer developmentally appropriate activities in a sequential manner from grades TK-8
  • to provide Physical Education classes that provide muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and cardio-respiratory fitness
  • to use sports and games as a medium through which fair play, cooperation, good sportsmanship and tolerance of others are taught
  • to support C.Y.O. Programs
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